Bryan W. at House of Blues

It’s not every day that you have the chance to see a rock star sit down and perform a barebones, acoustic show for his fans. However, recently, that is exactly the opportunity I was present with when guitarist for Chicago’s own hard rock band, The Last Vegas, Bryan W. (Wilkinson) performed in the very intimate setting of the Foundation Room at the House of Blues.
Tucked away on the fourth floor of the House of Blues, is the Foundation Room with elegant decorations, artwork and rich wood carvings. At one end of this member’s only lounge, there stood three stools and microphones. With the lights down low, Bryan W. entered the room to take up the first position. He picked up his acoustic guitar, welcomed the audience and started the night playing some solo songs. Bryan W. was then joined by a couple of his friends from The Last Vegas. Along for the night’s ride were Chad Cherry and Adam Arling, who helped perform some select material of The Last Vegas.
All three of the artists looked very comfortable in this different setting. Actually, at one point, Chad Cherry commented that he could “do this every night”. The night was truly an opportunity to see these three artists masterfully perform. Hopefully, they can be incorporated a few songs in this manor midway during The Last Vegas show.
Check out Bryan W. website, as well as at The Last Vegas website to keep up with all the latest tour and band information.
Tags: Adam ArlingBryan W.Chad CherryFoundation RoomHouse of BluesThe Last Vegas