Bad Religion at The Metro

Formed in 1980 out of Los Angeles, California, Bad Religion was one of the first band that I ever listened to punk rock music. The band helped open my eyes to a whole new genre of music that I never knew existed. That being said, Bad Religion has a special place in my heart and telling by the crowd that was at The Metro show in Chicago, I was not alone!
When Bad Religion took the stage, the excitement in the air was infectious. Everywhere I looked, everyone was singing along. Front man, Greg Graffin, pointed out that their performance would be different than the previous nights and the fans roared with excitement. Having been a band for 30 years and making over 16 records together, Bad Religion have a lot of songs to choose from in their collection. It was so exciting to see such a prolific band take the stage and completely own it!
Bad Religion will be out on tour across Europe this Fall, catch em if you can! More information can be found at the Bad Religion web site.
Tags: Bad ReligionMetro