Every Time I Die at House of Blues in Chicago

Although I recently covered Every Time I Die in September at the Double Door, I couldn’t pass up a chance to see them at one of my favorite venues in Chicago, the House of Blues.
Just days before their show here in Chicago, lead singer, Keith Buckley, had a family emergency which he had to tend to and headed back home to Buffalo. The band got their friend, Tyler Brand, from the band Exalt to fill in. I wasn’t sure how to feel about a fill in lead singer, Keith’s vocals and performance are such a crucial part of the band, but after seeing the show, I felt Brand did a great job of bringing energy and keeping the crowd going.
The rest of the guys did not disappoint. Guitarist, Jordan Buckley, jumped off amps, drum kits, pummeled himself into the crowd and did some gravity defeating high jumps and kicks. Everyone was all over the stage, playing to the crowd, to each other, jumping off of drums, spinning, spitting and bringing a general sense of chaos and energy to their show. I was impressed that no one missed a beat despite the fill in singer, who did justice to the songs engaged with the crowd.
I can’t wait until the next time Every Time I Die rolls through town! You can keep up with them on their website.