For King and Country In Orlando, FL.

For King and Country have been one of the biggest Christian bands in the last couple of years playing all different types of venues and along side the top CCM artists around. On October 12, 2019, they came through Orlando, FL. at the Addition Financial Arena on the University of Central Florida campus. The last time they came through Florida, they were touring with Toby Mac and his awesome band Diverse City. This time through Florida, they did a solo act and didn’t tour with anyone.
Seeing For King and Country many times before, I knew what to expect out of the band and especially the two frontmen, Joel and Luke Smallbone. Joel and Luke give so much energy throughout the night, jumping from stages, running from stage to stage, playing drums, and more. They definitely keep you guessing what will happen next, along how these guys give there all from night to night. The stage during this tour is nothing like you have seen before, as the stage was set up as a boat and there were special seating for people who could sit inside the boat for the concert. At the beginning of the concert, the group was playing and sounding awesome and then Joel and Luke started singing, not from any stage, but from about 20 feet in the air, holding there lanterns as they sang. As both guys got down and onto the main stage, at the beginning of the second song they shot out stringers for the crowd, which is always fun to be apart of.
During the intermission, Luke, talked about giving to the needy children around the world and how it much it meant to him and his family. Although they are very successful now, Joel and Luke did not always grow up knowing where there next meal was going to come from because at an early age, his parents decided to move to the US from Australia and not that long after there dad was without a job. Struggling to make ends meet, they never gave up on the Lord and slowly they started receiving gifts, a car, and someone even paid for there youngest sister to be born in a hospital and still to this day they do not know who paid this bill.
Well after the intermission they went back and played the rest of there song list and they added one song that they only played two times before and was unreleased. They ended up playing every single song on the Burn The Ships album and of course they played there biggest hit that came out called God Only Knows, which unfortunately Dolly Parton was not there to sing along with this time as she does in the video.
This is definitely a concert to go and you will not be disappointed at all and if you can afford it and if its available, try to get in the boat to sit during the concert for a different experience that nobody else gets. Check out the available dates and get your tickets soon as many venues are selling out quickly.
The set list for this concert included: Amen, Fix My Eyes, Fight on, Fighter, Run Wild, Never Give Up, Shoulders, Hold Her, Priceless, Pioneers, Together, The Proof of Your Love, INTERMISSION, The Little Drummer Boy, To the Dreamers, It’s Not Over Yet, Control, Ceasefire, Need You More, Burn the Ships, God Only Knows, and Joy
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