Meg Myers at Park West in Chicago 2023

TZIA’s Arc U.S. Tour 2023
On April 26, 2023, Meg Myers, along with supporting artists, Weathers and Band of Silver, brought the TZIA’s Arc U.S. Tour 2023 to the Park West in Chicago. It was definitely an awesome performance. I can see why so many wanted to see her live!
Meg Myers
Meg has this amazing voice. Also, she is not afraid to open up about her own struggles with anxiety! During her set, Meg opened up that before coming on stage that night, she was battling a lot of panic attacks and being up there made her feel much better. A lot of her fans were agreeing and loved that they were able to relate with her.
Meg played about 19 songs in total with a nice mixture of covers like “Running up That Hill” and “Numb”. Fans were treated to a few live debuts as well, like “TZIA” and “BLUEBIRD”. I would honestly loved seeing Meg again because her voice is just stunning and I love hearing her sing!
Now Meg Myers direct support was a band I love called, WEATHERS. Man, oh man, were they incredible as usual. And a lot of fans felt the same way! Weathers played 8 songs. Honestly, it felt that their set was longer just because of how much fun they are live! Weathers did open up with a classic which was “I’m Not Ok”. This song had fans jumping and screaming along with them! In addition, the band did a cover of a classic boy band song which was none other than the Jonas Brothers, “Burnin Up”. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was singing along too. How could you not?
After, Cameron grabbed his guitar, he talked about the band a little and about their number 1 hit “Happy PIlls”. He did ask fans if this was their first weathers concert or if they had seen the band before. Lets just say, a lot of people had seen them before. However, there were also a lot of new faces too! Anyway, Cameron made a few jokes that if you didn’t sing along to “Happy Pills”, you were a fake friend. He quickly said he was joking. Fans definitely laughed and thought it was great!
Next, Cameron did teach the crowd the words to “Where Do I Sign” so everyone could join him in singing! Lastly, Weathers ended their set with “C’est La Vie” which had everyone jumping and screaming the words along before the band left the stage! Overall, this tour is super stacked and has an amazing headliner, a great direct support, and an awesome opener who is Band of Silver!
Band of Silver
Band of Silver was the opener. This band was really unique because all 3 members are siblings which is so cool to see! Avery Silvernagel, singer, has so much talent. In addition, she just has a way with the crowd. She loves interacting with everyone and taking pics with fans while singing. You can tell she just loves performing on stage with her siblings! Band of Silver played quick 30 minunte set. They were absolutely amazing and definitely someone I would love to see play again. They definitely got the group ready for Weathers and Meg Myers. Also, they created some new fans, including me, who would love to see them play again!
If you are a fan of any of these bands, Meg Myers, Weathers, or Band Of Silver, then you should definitely come out! Everyone performed super well and I definitely found some new music to jam too which I always love! Overall, I would love to see all 3 of these acts again! They were all amazing and had a great performance. Currently, they are all still on tour, so check to see if they are coming to a city near you and go check them out!
Keep up with the latest information and tour dates:
Photo Gallery – Alexandra Geshel
Tags: Alex Through The Looking GlassAlexandra GeshelBand of SilverMeg MyersPark WestWeathers
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