Interview – Pacific Radio

LA-based rock band, Pacific Radio, released their debut EP, Kitchen Table on January 1, 2017. The EP is largely a collection of upbeat songs about girls that have wronged the charismatic showman, Joe Robinson. Pacific Radio delivers love torn rock and roll ranging from the tongue in cheek “Tight Jeans” to the heartfelt “L.A. is Pretty”. The band is currently promoting their first video and EP, while chipping away at a full length album with Grammy nominated engineer, Eric Weaver.
Pacific Radio took a few minutes do an interview for Front Row Music News. Find out some of out some great insight on this fun group of guys.
Pacific Radio is:
- JR: Joe Robinson: Guitar and Lead Vocal
- JS: Joe Stiteler: Bass
- KB: Kyle Biane: Guitar
- HS: Hyke Shirinian: Drums
For those who are new to Pacific Radio, can you please introduce yourself, tell us a little bit about the band, as well as yourself?
- JR: I spit dope words and shred the axe (Lead vocals, guitar)
- JS: Joe Stiteler. Born in San Antonio, raised in Hondo Texas. Enjoys long walks on the beach.
- KB: Kyle Biane, I play guitar. I also do a little background singing.
- HS: Hey I’m Hyke, I play drums and percussion.
How did the band, Pacific Radio, get formed?
- JR: There was a pretty well received LA band in the mid 2000’s that JS and I were in. That ended and this began. I had banged around songs my whole life but never thought they’d be proper, band worthy material. All it took was a little encouragement and the help of some talented musicians and bang, Pacific Radio.
- JS: Pacific Radio is a goddamn miracle. A bunch of dudes who all crossed paths at the exact right time in the exact right place. If we’d have met five or ten years earlier it wouldn’t have worked out the same – I’d definitely be fired by now.
- KB: After the duo of Joe Robinson and Joe Stiteler left the Ringers sometime around 2010, Robinson presented a group of songs to Stiteler and along with a drummer they started rehearsing. Shortly after that I was introduced to record their first demos. After quite sometime in the studio and many hours of layering guitar parts, I was asked to join the band to supplement the new parts added in the recording process. Hyke, who had drummed in a previous band I played in called The Kepler Mission, joined sometime after that to round out the group…. That’s the quick version anyway.
What’s the biggest challenge of your band?
- JR: There are so many. I just had a panic attack. Kidding. We’re all pretty level headed and tolerant. That goes a long way in any creative endeavour.
- KB: Staying on time…
- HS: I believe it’s pretty much the same challenges that most new bands go through.
In January, you released your 4 song EP, Kitchen Table, giving the world a tease of your music. With a full-length album expected later in 2017, Can we expect more of the same from the album?
- KB: I think all the songs on this album and EP are coming from a similar place. Along with our producer, Eric Weaver, we are always honing and tweaking our production style. I think we learned a lot making the EP and now we will use those tools and techniques for the rest of this album. Album two on the other hand is a open book.
If you only had one cassette tape to listen to forever, which album would it be?
- JR: Apocalypse: Exile on Main Street
Deserted Island: Astral Weeks - HS: Dark Side of the Moon.. that album changed my life
- JS: ‘Appetite For Destruction’ which, subsequently, is in my car at all times.
- KB: Meddle -Pink Floyd
Do you have any pre-show or unusual backstage rituals?
- JR: I become a loner for about 20 mins and walk around the block, clear my head. I usually look homeless so I may make a couple sympathy bucks.
- JS: I tend to get quiet, might be nerves.
- KB: Stretch, and play guitar…
- HS: I warm up my body and stretch as well
If you could have ANY special guest perform with you on stage, who would it be?
- JR: Tom Selleck or Burt Reynolds. Just once I’d like to see a better moustache in the room.
- JS: Beyonce. Let’s be real.
- KB: Billy Preston… no, Stiteler’s right, Beyonce
- HS: Vaslav Nijinsky
Do you spend much time on social media? If so, what is your preferred form of communicating through social media?
- JR: Social media and playlists are basically self-driven press and exposure. You have to be a part of it if you want to be relevant.
- JS: A few years ago we’d use Tinder to get people out.
- KB: I am not the biggest social media fan… I do tend to wander through Instagram though.
What do you do in your free time while traveling between shows?
- JR: Cigarettes and coffee
- KB: We actually talk to each other quite a bit… make jokes, try to solve problems, argue over music. There is also a decent amount of silent time in the car. It’s a good balance.
- HS: Yeah, lots of chatting about the project.
What’s your favorite junk food?
- JR: Peanut butter cups
- JS: Sour Patch Kids. We’re hoping for a sponsorship.
- KB: I will back the Sour Patch Kids response…. I also like buttery popcorn…
- HS: Oh my.. fries for sure
This or that: Sweet or Salty?
- JR: Sweet
- JS: La Croix
- KB: Sweet
- HS: both at the same time.. chocolate chip cookie with salt on it
This or that: Cat or Dog?
- JR: I named my dog Iggy Pup
- JS: Bird Dog.
- KB: Dog
- HS: dog
This or that: Computer Games or Video Games?
- JR: Guitars
- KB: Formula 1 2016 on PS4 is the only game I own.
- HS: I don’t game much these days though I used to be obsessed with halo
This or that: Paper or Plastic?
- KB: Paper
- HS: paper
This or that: Superman or Batman?
- JR: Superman has better hair
- KB: Batman everytime.
- HS: batman for sure
This or that: Money or Fame?
- KB: So famous your face is on money…
- HS: Money any day
What’s next for Pacific Radio for the 2017?
- KB: We are back in the studio working on the full length record. In March we head to Austin, TX. and in May we are headed on a short west coast tour ending at BottleRock Napa Valley.
What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of Pacific Radio?
- JR: I sincerely appreciate it
- JS: Congrats on your terrific hearing and sight!
- KB: Thank you… We have a lot of fun doing what we do and it’s because of you we have the chance to do it.
- HS: You’re awesome
Thank you for your time. In closing, is there anything you’d like to add?
- KB: If you hang bananas in your kitchen rather than just leaving them on the counter, fruit flies will not be attracted to them
- JS: I agree with Kyle, and if you have a little extra scratch laying around, definitely get a YoNanas ! It mushes frozen banana into a yogurt paste and works with most frozen fruits. #tourlife
Be sure to keep up with the latest information and show dates at the Pacific Radio web site.
Tags: InterviewPacific Radio