Peter Hook and The Light Performs Legendary Joy Division Albums

Peter Hook, bassist and co-founder of post-punk pioneers Joy Division (and later, after the untimely passing of lead singer Ian Curtis, critically acclaimed/commercially successful electronic rockers New Order) performed three separate sets and a hearty four-song encore to awestruck fans at the Metro in Chicago on November 10th, 2016. Hook, who officially left New Order in 2007 and now performs exclusively with his band The Light, first performed a small set of New Order songs, beginning with 1984’s “Lonesome Tonight,” building fan momentum for the evening ahead with the tune’s extended instrumental conclusion. Hook ended the New Order set with “The Perfect Kiss,” a fan favorite and centerpiece of the group’s catalogue.
After a brief intermission, Hook and the Light re-emerged onto the stage and wasted no time delving into the Joy Division half of the show. The effervescent mood of the small north side venue transitioned slowly into shadowy suspense as the band began the Joy Division set with a performance of “Digital” (featured on compilations Heart and Soul and Still, and, sadly, as history has it, the last song ever performed by Joy Division with Curtis) though all songs that followed during this second segment were faithful to the track-by-track listing of 1980’s Closer. After “Decades,” the band exited the stage once more.
Upon returning to their steadfast fans, Hook and The Light began the third segment of their performance with “Dead Souls,” the b-side to 1979’s “Atmosphere” (also featured on the singles compilation Substance), keeping in step with the previous segment’s surprise non-album opening track, before embarking on the brutally dark terrain of 1979’s murky manifesto, Unknown Pleasures. Hook himself spared little in between songs chatting with the audience members, visibly determined to charge ferociously through the loaded track list.
Halfway through the UP set, Hook surprised fans, introducing The Smashing Pumpkins’ guitarist, Jeff Schroeder, onto the stage to play guitar to the album’s final tracks, “New Dawn Fades,” “She’s Lost Control,” and “Shadowplay.” Schroeder also re-joined for the band’s final encore, which included ceremonious performances of classic Joy Division’s songs like “Transmission” and “Love Will Tear Us Apart,” the latter concluding the evening — leaving new and old followers of Hook and his musical legacy stunned and grateful as the house lights came back on and they slowly journeyed onward into the night.
For more information and tour dates for Peter Hook and The Light, be sure to check out their official web site.
Tags: ChicagoCloserErica McKeehengothJoy DivisionMetroNew OrderPeter Hookpost-punk