Weezer at Taste of Chicago

Weezer kicked off the 2015 Taste of Chicago by opening their set with “My Name is Jonas”. All of their faithful fans enthusiastically sang along. There didn’t seem to be a single fair-weather fan in the crowd, most were wearing Weezer shirts from previous tours or even Weezer branded glasses similar to the ones that front man Rivers Cuomo has famously donned for decades now! I found that to be very endearing merchandising.
The set was an even mix of songs from all of their past records including a rarely performed song from their Pinkerton album, “Tired of Sex”. The band performed a few songs from their latest release, Everything Will Be Alright In The End but the highlights for me were the songs I grew up driving to the beach blasting on my CD player (now I’m really dating myself!) from the Blue and Green albums. Weezer was rather direct with their music playing, there weren’t very many theatrics or much production, but rather they focused on the songs and seemed to stick with their shy / nerdy persona . The band ended their set with the epic and most beloved, Buddy Holly.
Weezer will be playing a few more festivals this Summer so be sure to catch them if you have a chance! Look for local dates on the Weezer website.
Tags: Taste of ChicagoWeezer