David Bazan at Lincoln Hall in Chicago

Review written by: Christopher Wiitala
In a predominately seated, intimate setting, David Bazan performed a stellar show at Lincoln Hall in Chicago on the evening of June 30, 2016; not unlike his widely acclaimed Living Room Shows. The night was full of his spectacular songs and entertaining banter.
With the simplicity of just an electric & acoustic guitar (save for synth created drum beats on a handful of songs), Bazan captivated the audience at Lincoln Hall with precision and sincerity. His seasoned voice rang fiery and true as he made his way through a career-spanning set of solo, Pedro The Lion and Headphones material.
As has been the custom at his live shows, Bazan fielded questions from the audience throughout the night. It was quite interesting to hear his take on an array of topics from why he creates art, his thoughts on Spotify, who he’s voting for or what he’d want as a superpower.
His latest record Blanco is a collection of his favorites from the Bazan Monthly series which he released in 2014-15. Awash in synths and drum machines, Blanco is a sonic masterpiece and, quite possibly, his best work to date.
His drive and hustle to keep creating and reinventing himself, as well as finding new ways to connect with his audience through the aforementioned Living Room Shows and the Monthly series, is proof that the loyal fanbase he’s built over the years is well-deserved.
Get the latest information and tour dates at David Bazan website.
Tags: David BazanLincoln Hall
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